Prairie Art Metal is a small business located in South Central Wisconsin.
This one-man shop creates one of a kind metal artwork, functional pieces, and fun stuff.
Services include custom design and fabrication, casting, blacksmithing, and restorations.
Started in a small garage in Sun Prairie WI in 1995, and now located on an historic
farmstead in Southern Dane Co WI, Prairie Art Metal is a complete metal shop.
Welding and repairs, from small pieces to farm equipment.
Castings from one-off jewelry to small production runs.
Sculpture, architectural elements, and utilitarian pieces.
Custom forged works with ancient techniques and modern equipment.
Owner Rich Fizzell can create whatever you are looking for in metal
from wedding bands to a full-size bridge, or unique furniture to whimsical yard art.
Rich lives just paces from his shop in Storytown WI with his 2 dogs and 4 cats.